Saturday 28 March 2020

Covid 19🦠: Healthy Habits

Coronavirus: Healthy Habits During a Pandemic


It’s hard to miss the news headlines or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updates about a wide-spreading pathogen, the coronavirus known as COVID-19. With travel restrictions rising and health officials advising the public to practice social distancing, many people are concerned about how contagious this virus is and what they can do to prevent themselves from getting sick.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CDC, World Health Organization (WHO) and other public health authorities currently are working together to help keep the public informed and safe, but they are still investigating this new virus and its pathogenic characteristics, symptoms and rate of infection. As we continue to learn more about the person-to person spread of the new coronavirus, thoughts about best practices for safe food handling may come to mind. Let’s talk a bit more about this virus and how routine hygienic practices like handwashing are at the forefront of prevention.

What is the best way to buy groceries and meals?

While food has not been found to be a transmission vector for coronavirus, it is important to note that restaurants and grocery stores should be practicing food-handling hygiene protocols to avoid transferring germs such as the coronavirus year-round. These practices include requiring employees not to report to work while sick, to keep hands cleaned while handling food, to wear protective gear while handling food (aprons, gloves, hairnets, etc.) and to keep all surfaces that contact food clean. News outlets have reported that many restaurants, stores and delivery services have ramped up these protocols to further combat COVID-19.
That said, going into a crowded grocery store may not be the best idea if you’re high-risk—or even if you’re not. Frequently visiting high-traffic, high-germ-transfer locations like large food stores could cause you to come into contact with the virus. Using online grocery shopping apps, having groceries delivered, or using a curb-side pick-up option are all good alternatives. If these options are not available where you live, try shopping in smaller, less crowded markets or during “non-peak” hours for shopping.
If none of these options will work for you, you can still practice good hygiene and mitigate your chances of coming into contact with the virus. First, avoid touching your face with your hands while you shop—this practice helps prevent germ transfer between surfaces and your body. Nicely, many stores have hand sanitizer stations at the front door and throughout the store for patrons to use—because even when we try, we may still touch our faces from time to time. Finally, avoid close contact (within six feet) with any people in the store who are sneezing or coughing and be sure to clean your hands by washing them or using hand sanitizer when you leave or as soon as you get home.
As for using food delivery apps for restaurant menu items, the people who are preparing and delivering food should be using the same safe food-handling practices as those who are in the restaurant serving meals. Having food delivered will minimize person-to-person contact, which is helpful for decreasing germ and sickness transfer. However, preparing meals at home is the best way to minimize contact.


  1. Thanks for such knowledge this is really helpful

  2. Thank yoy for the info

    It much needed

  3. Thanks for this information it so important to us

  4. Thank you for sharing, I will try to keepy self safe when I make the grocery

    1. Please ... I don't want you sick 👏👏

  5. Wow thank you for sharing this information with us ,I will try to apply your tips

  6. Thank you for reminding us to prioritize hygiene, am used to touching my face all the time so this is difficult for me.

    1. From now onwards please try not to touch it, it can cost you your life

  7. we appreciate your effort of sharing with us the important information about corona virus,i hope people will apply the rules

  8. Thanks for sharing valuable information

  9. I think this is the best idea. Mmmm tnanks🤩🤩🤩🤩

  10. Yeah 😭 1st thing 1st washing hands should be our habit as a country

  11. Thanks for caringan and sharing with us

  12. Thanks for sharing, I'll visit you for more lessons

  13. We will do so dear ...thanks for sharing with us🤗

  14. Useful information thanks, will surely stay healthy and safe

  15. Safety is a major priority, thank you��

  16. Thanks for sharing this ,it a good idea

  17. Intresting information thank you for sharing with us🤗

  18. I'd rather prepare food at home cause I'm tired of washing hands😏

  19. Thanks Gciny,This is very helpful

  20. Thank you for sharing, we really need to prioritize our health first by following all the hygiene procedures

    1. True😊, I hope you follow all the hygiene procedures, stay safe
